2016 Island City Wellness Retreat

Date: October 22nd 2016

Time: 8:30 AM - 5PM

**Participants must be 18 and over only** 


Island City Wellness is hosting a wellness retreat in Cumberland Wisconsin!

Join us for a day filled with self discovery, positive energy, and healing! 

We are committed to offering an experience filled with relaxation and rejuvenation as you enjoy connecting with yourself and others. The day will be guided by a variety of leaders in the wellness community. Each topic at the retreat will be designed to teach, elevate, and encourage you to connect with your highest self.

Our innovative speakers and thought leaders will share their experience and knowledge with you in a space free of judgement. Our intention is to offer a retreat filled with loving individuals who are sharing in this journey toward wellness.

The classes offered will be focused on many topics such as:

  • Becoming the CEO Of Your Life
  • Developing Vision Boards (interactive activity)
  • Setting Intentions
  • Letting Go Of Negativity
  • Reiki Energy Healing
  • Therapeutic Yoga
  • Guided Imagery
  • Meditation

You will arrive at our gorgeous private property in Cumberland by 8:30 AM and will be able to enjoy a cup of coffee or juice, and a light continental breakfast. We will begin classes around 9AM with breaks and rest time in between each one. The retreat will also be offering lunch that we will enjoy on the property together and soak up the crisp fall air.

Our classes will finish up at 3pm and afterward you are encouraged to spend a few hours with yourself. We allow you this sacred time to spend some moments connecting with yourself or others. You are welcome to use the afternoon free time to work on your vision boards, journal your goals, meditate, go for a walk, take a nap, anything you need to empower yourself! We want to create an atmosphere filled with light and love for you to reconnect with your deepest self. At 5pm, the retreat ends and we encourage you to head home and continue your healing.

Once you are registered, we will send you a confirmation and then email you more detailed information about the location, instructors, and the menu.

Please feel free to email us at islandcitywellness@gmail.com or call 715-822-2569 if you have any questions at all!

It is our honor to connect with you!