Living with Peace, Purpose & Love - Creating Intentional Vision Boards

Brandon Dan & Headshots 508.jpg
Brandon Dan & Headshots 508.jpg

Living with Peace, Purpose & Love - Creating Intentional Vision Boards


Instructor: Chana Wood

In this course, we will explore the idea of peaceful and purposeful living. Life can be so chaotic, it can be hard to remember to tap into the light inside us when we are consumed with so much distraction. In this class we want to reignite that spark inside. We will talk about how we can uncover and rediscover our inner peace. Chana will offer some of her life lessons to guide and encourage participants to live in a more loving and awakened state. We will be getting crafty and creating our own Vision Boards geared toward whatever intentions participants have toward finding their purpose and discovering peace within themselves. 

Limit of 15 participants each class. No participants will be refused attendance due to inability to pay. Please email us at to inquire about financial assistance.

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